

I came up with the brand name 2x1 after deciding that i needed to eradicate gender 
I came up with the idea to incorporate numbers as a subtle hint towards male and female so decided i need to incorporate the number two. 

I looked at different words for two - also other languages, nothing original was discovered - i wanted a name that was easily rememberable. I though of the name 2x1 -

here is my obvious logic

2x1  = 2 therefore a reminder of the two genders without obvious inclinations towards it - it's catchy easily rememberable and easy to say. It is genderless - no sway towards feminine or masculine 
a subtle hint towards the two genders - it has a meaning - without saying out right UNISEX.

I have decided to incorporate different spelling varieties into the brand name


two x one

recognisable easily especially with the x. Different branding incorporations shows variation and gives the option to play around with branding a lot more.